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China Steel Intelligence

Issue 32 | Dec. 5, 2018

Chinese steel markets slumped through November with some of the most rapid declines in prices in months, and in some cases years. The start of December however saw a cease-fire in the US-China trade war which suddenly sent prices skyrocketing again, if only briefly. Both the sharp decline in prices …

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Issue 31 | Nov. 5, 2018

China continues to leave markets guessing in terms of its economic policy as it continues to take sectors one at a time and refuses to launch a mass nationwide stimulus. A delayed party plenum, endless proclamations and a lack of detailed policy mean the market is continuing to be pushed …

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Issue 30 | Oct. 2, 2018

China is leaving it to the last minute to give clarity on the depth of output restrictions during the winter heating period. Details released in late September were enough to undermine sentiment and send steel futures prices sinking however. In this issue we look at what we know and what …

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Issue 29 | Sept. 4, 2018

The unstable international trade situation and changes in the domestic market, especially stricter environmental protection requirements and policy on credit, have been cause for concern for Chinese steel companies in the second half of the year. Looking through the annual reports of 22 listed steel companies, the China-US trade war, …

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