Green Steel Strategies 2024

Green steel, decarbonisation, zero emissions – these are the buzzwords of today. But what do they mean in practice? It turns out that saving our planet will be a costly, complex procedure. We need to transform coal-based steel plants, to build out clean energy and electrolyser capacity, to incentivise consumers to buy green. But who will pay for this? Are governments right to subsidise industry? Will some regions need to surrender their iron-making capability and source the feedstock from elsewhere?
In decarbonisation, we are dealing with a global phenomenon that touches every aspect of the economy and society. We are at the beginning of the journey and there is a long road ahead. Industry cannot do this alone. Policymakers, consumers, energy and hydrogen producers, electrical grid and transmission network operators, lenders, shipping and logistics companies all have to be on the same page for low-emission steel to become a reality.
Kallanish Green Steel Strategies aims to gather these elements in the same room, to discuss and debate with steel industry participants the progress made so far on steel industry decarbonisation, and what more needs to be done.
We will aim to find answers to questions, such as how are markets for green steel being incentivised? How is the renewable energy infrastructure rollout being funded/incentivised? How can green steel investors position themselves to ensure they secure funding? What are the prospects for increased nuclear power use in greening steel? What conditions are needed to increase hydrogen production? Is CCUS viable? How can universal green steel standards be introduced to prevent greenwashing? Are metallics export hubs the future? What is being done to ensure high-quality scrap supply? How are mills pricing low-emission steel products today?
Join us in Brussels, at the heart of EU decision-making, to make sense of the mechanics behind decarbonising steel and make your voice heard.
Green Steel Strategies 2024 took place at the Hilton Brussels Grand Place Hotel.
Gold Sponsor
Kallanish Index Services
Kallanish Index Services (KIS) is a subsidiary of Kallanish Commodities, and specialises in compiling price indices for commodity markets using a rigorous, data-driven methodology. KIS is your trusted source for accurate hydrogen indices & data. Our hydrogen indices are compiled using a rigorous methodology, customised for different green, blue and grey hydrogen production processes.
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Gold Sponsor
Kallanish Power Materials is an online publication covering the global new energy sector, with a focus on batteries, EVs, hydrogen and their supply chains. Our weekly report provides in-depth insights into relevant news and market trends. It includes feature articles, interviews, data, pricing and more.Our experienced team of reporters are based in the UK, China, Europe and other parts of the world. Subscribers also receive a daily email with trending news.
Gold Sponsor
The Green Steel Challenge Podcast
The Green Steel Challenge podcast aims to invite a conversation, ignite innovation and accelerate change within and around the steel industry, contributing significantly to the decarbonisation of this crucial material.
Steel, a fundamental component in everything from buildings and washing machines to wind turbines and electric vehicles, is pivotal for our transition to a carbon-neutral, circular economy.
However, the steel industry is responsible for approximately 7% of global carbon emissions. Just over half of the major steel companies worldwide have committed to carbon emissions reduction targets to achieve net zero. Low-carbon or zero-carbon steel production, often called ‘Green Steel’, promises a solution.
But how exactly can we deliver Green Steel? Which companies, technologies, and visionary leaders are at the forefront of this change? And what steps can we take to expedite progress?
Drawing inspiration from Willy Korf, the German entrepreneur known as a steel rebel and pioneer of the mini-mill and DRI, this podcast challenges the steel industry. Produced by The Willy Korf Foundation and Kallanish Commodities, both neutral entities deeply connected to the steel industry yet without direct commercial interests, we aim to be a platform for transformative ideas.
Each episode features Astrid Korf-Wolman, Willy Korf’s daughter, alongside Dr Mike Walsh, an independent consultant and project developer in the steel and special metals sector, and James Moss, strategy consultant and partner at First River Consulting.
Join us as we engage with thought-provoking industry leaders and innovators, appraising our current position and exploring pathways to hasten steel decarbonisation. Together, we strive to transform challenges into opportunities, fostering a community committed to the sustainable evolution of the steel industry.
Read the official press release for The Green Steel Challenge podcast here.
Event Partners
EUROMETAL is the European federation of steel tubes and metals distribution and trading. The roots of EUROMETAL date back to 1950, when the European Community for Coal and Steel was created by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. EUROMETAL members are national federations of steel, metals and tubes distribution as well as distribution, SSC and trading companies having cross border activities in European OECD countries.
Since its establishment in 1928, NASS has been successfully working to promote the interests of steel service centres throughout the UK. NASS is the only trade association covering the whole of the UK steel stockholding industry. NASS members supply steel to UK manufacturing and are a vital link in the supply chain from producer to customer, handling some 8 million tonnes of steel a year, principally to the construction, automotive and engineering industries.
Japan Metal Daily
Japan Metal Daily (Tekko Shimbun, JMD) is the largest Japanese daily newspaper focusing on Steel and Non-ferrous metal industries. While we
are based in Japan, our reporting is not limited to Japan but also events occurring in Asia and other regions, such as global alliances between corporations, especially Kallanish.
MESTEEL is a Middle East b2b steel portal, providing buyers and sellers with, an in-depth database, steel offers, inquiries, news, jobs, information, events.
Assofermet is the trade association that represents 450 trade and distribution companies nationwide in four different sectors: steel, with companies active in the trade, distribution and pre-processing of steel products; scrap, with plants that carry out collection, recovery, recycling and trade in ferrous scrap; metals, with companies in the trade, distribution, pre-processing and recycling of nonferrous scrap; and hardware, with companies in the trade and distribution of hardware and do-it-yourself items. Thanks to Assofermet, member companies can have access to all the most important general and detailed issues in their business sector, at the regulatory and market level. The association, which is part of Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia, is a key meeting point for companies, media and stakeholders involved in some of the most relevant sectors for the Italian economy.
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Join me at #GSS24 on 27th November in Brussels. Visit to check the insightful programme covering decarbonisation strategies in the steel market.
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Keynote Session: Session 1: The tools for decarbonisation
Policy, finance, infrastructureSteelmaking emits around 8% of global CO2 emissions. Consumer attitudes are however shifting to prioritise the health of our planet over cost concerns. As society’s building block, steel therefore needs to go green. The steel industry’s will to decarbonise is clear. But it, too, will need building blocks to be in place to ensure it can remove carbon from its value chain. This is no easy task since carbon has been used by man for centuries as a vital energy carrier. More than just playing a supporting role, policymakers, energy companies and financial institutions will need to adjust or completely overhaul long-established practices to enable the industry’s transition to drive forward. The European Commission has approved state aid to support the decarbonisation of several steelmakers. But certain critical components, such as sufficient low-cost renewable energy supply, and a developed market for green steel, remain missing, with industry looking to policymakers to take the lead. Will CBAM effectively support decarbonisation in Europe and encourage other regions to follow? How can banks and other traditional lenders support the energy transition? This session aims to bring together representatives of various “enabling” sectors – policymakers, finance, energy and hydrogen – to discuss how the foundations are being laid for steelmakers to build on and decarbonise their operations.
Format: 10-12 min presentations + Q&A
- • How are policymakers supporting renewables capacity and green steel demand development?
- • What more needs to be done to ensure a green steel market?
- • Are governments providing guarantees to de-risk new technology?
- • What financing instruments are available for green steelmakers’ capex and opex?
- • How do banks assess a borrowers’ green credentials when providing finance?
- • Is state aid the new norm – how will this affect public finances/taxpayers?
- • Will Europe realistically be a green hydrogen producer or will feedstock imports dominate?
- • What are the challenges of CBAM?
- • What are the current hydrogen technology developments and cost dynamics?
- • Is producing green hydrogen in Europe viable? How can challenges be overcome?
- • How can renewable energy investments be accelerated?
- • Is nuclear power a solution to Europe’s energy problem?
- • Do the “greenlash” and rise of right-wing parties in Europe present a threat to energy transition investments?
Moderator: Adam Smith, Global Editor, Kallanish
- Åsa Ekdahl, Head of Environment and Climate Change, World Steel Association
- Stephane Tondo, Head of Climate Change, ArcelorMittal
- Erik van Doezum, Head of Metals, Mining and Fertilizers, ING Bank
- Dr Henrik Adam, Vice President European Corporate Affairs, Tata Steel Ltd / President, Eurofer
- Anna Pekala, Market Director Green Energy Transition, Ramboll
☕ Coffee Break ☕
Session 2: Supplying low-emission inputs to demand areas
Metallics and scrapThe industry has accepted hydrogen is the future. Steelmakers in Europe, where the decarbonisation push is most prominent, have committed to direct reduced iron-making with a view to sourcing hydrogen within the region. However, doubts have emerged over the viability of hydrogen production in Europe. The industry is starting to digest the possibility iron-making will have to be outsourced to regions with better conditions for production. Hubs are seen emerging in the Middle East, Brazil and Australia that will supply demand centres like East Asia and Europe. This poses questions over stable intercontinental logistics amid rising global fragmentation, and over whether shipping companies can deliver product while keeping their emissions down. Limited raw materials supply will also pose a challenge. High-grade iron ore resources needed for direct reduction are depleting, while the current global scrap surplus is projected to turn into a deficit as mills look to use more of the feedstock. What is the outlook for raw materials demand and supply? And how are suppliers and logistics companies responding to the needs of decarbonisation? This session aims to bring together a raw materials miner, metallics producer, scrap processor, shipping company and consultancy to debate these issues.
Format: 10-15 min presentations + Q&A
- • Does hydrogen-based DRI/HBI making have a future in Europe?
- • What is required to ensure effective green iron corridor operation?
- • How are iron ore miners responding to increasing requirement for higher-grade material?
- • What measures are scrap processors taking to secure high-quality supply?
- • How is steelmaking raw materials supply/demand likely to develop to 2030 and beyond?
- • What steps are shipping companies taking to ensure raw materials’ reduced embedded emissions?
- • To what extent are alternative low-emission steelmaking feedstocks to scrap and DRI/HBI being exploited?
- • How are steelmakers already changing raw materials sourcing habits?
Moderator: Carrie Bone, Editor - Steel, Kallanish
🍴 Lunch Break 🍴
Session 3: Adapting to green steelmaking needs, overcoming energy shortages
Technology and innovationDRI and EAF technology have existed for decades, as has CCUS. But they’ve only been used in certain locations and never with hydrogen. Today, with steelmakers eyeing electrification, demand for renewable energy is increasing faster than generation capacity can keep up, while the supply of high-grade iron ore needed for DRI-making is forecast to fall short of meeting demand from the global buildout of DRI plants. Technological innovation will be key to overcoming these challenges. The electric smelter (ESF) is being touted as the solution to using lower-grade iron ore feedstock, while small nuclear reactors (SMR) are being proposed as a means to ensure clean energy supply. Alternatives to traditional indurated pelletising, such as cold agglomeration or fines-based iron reduction, are also expected to feature prominently. While steelmaking has traditionally been a choice between EAF or BF, decarbonisation will drive the formation of multiple technological pathways to clean steelmaking. Which one a producer choses will depend on location. Europe is most eager to decarbonise its steelmaking and wants to retain its industry. But the region’s conditions for making low-emission steel are not favourable. How can technology and innovation help overcome the challenges? Does CCUS have a viable business case? Would nuclear power provide a return on investment? The session will bring together innovators – ironmaking technology suppliers, a CCUS expert and nuclear power company – to discuss the pathways to achieving cost-competitive green steel production.
Format: presentations + Q&A
- • How is DRI technology adapting to hydrogen reductant use? Is 100% H2 viable?
- • Is the ESF the answer to high-grade iron ore supply deficit? When will the technology roll out?
- • What are the challenges of CCUS? Will it be used in Europe to prolong blast furnace life?
- • How viable are SMRs are a solution to renewables shortages?
- • Is fines-based DRI making likely to grow?
- • How can technology help further reduce energy consumption in steelmaking?
- • How do steelmakers chose the right technological pathway?
- • How can technology help raw materials miners decarbonise?
Moderator: Paul Mullins, Director, Kallanish
☕ Coffee Break ☕
Session 4: End-user decarbonisation – incentivised or forced?
MarketsWe want to produce green steel, but do consumers want to buy it? This is a fundamental question facing the steel industry as it clamours to pour billions into decarbonising production. The process is costly and producers therefore need to charge premiums. But what if the market is not prepared to pay them? Who sets the premiums and using what methodology? The social and commercial environment in Europe has also become more complicated amid spiralling costs caused by inflation, leading to what has become known as a “greenlash”. Steelmakers have lobbied policymakers to establish green lead markets and public procurement. What progress has been made here and what are the challenges ahead? With green steel premiums coming into play, “greenwashing” is also increasingly becoming a threat. What is the definition of green steel? And how can we ensure the product we are paying for fits that definition? Establishing a universally-accepted standard is often cited as a critical step to creating a green steel market. But the challenges to doing this are considerable. How can they be overcome? How crucial will carbon markets and taxes be to driving forward global decarbonisation? While carmakers have already turned in large numbers to sourcing green steel, the additional steel cost is only a small portion of the overall cost of the car. In the construction sector, the largest steel consumer, the uptake has been much slower. How can this sector be incentivised to buy green? This session aims to bring together policymakers, steel standards authorities, steelmakers and end-user sectors to debate these challenges.
Format: 10-12 min presentations + Q&A
- • How can policymakers create green lead markets and ensure public procurement?
- • What are the challenges and solutions to establishing a global green steel standard?
- • How else can greenwashing be prevented?
- • Will the market buy green steel? To what extent is a carrot required and what extent a stick?
- • What challenges are European steel buyers and producers facing with CBAM and how can these be resolved?
- • How effectively are carbon taxes in other regions prompting manufacturing sectors to go green?
- • How can the construction industry be encouraged to source green steel?
- • How important are future off-take agreements for securing greenfield low-emission steel project financing?
- • Will the “greenlash” and rise of the political right impact demand for green products?
Moderator: Adam Smith, Global Editor, Kallanish
- Alexander Julius, Presidency Member, Eurometal
- Andrew Glass, Business Director Switzerland, Anthesis Group
- Josu Piña Bilbao, Director Business Development, SSAB Europe
- Christian Hoffman, Partner, McKinsey & Company
- Christoph Zinsser, Head of Project Finance, Stegra
- Eldar Aghayev, Managing Director, Transition Minerals, Metals & Batteries
🍸 End & Cocktail reception 🍸

Green Steel Strategies 2024 Attendees
Company | Position | Country |
Aisin Technical Center Europe | Material engineer | Belgium |
ALCAR WHEELS GmbH | Managing Director | Austria |
Anthesis Group | Business Dircetor Switzerland | Switzerland |
ArcelorMittal | Technical marketing and environmental specialist | Luxembourg |
ArcelorMittal Europe | Technical Head Governmental Affairs & Climate Change | Luxembourg |
BIR | Trade and Environment Officer | Belgium |
BNP Paribas | Managing Director | United Kingdom |
Borcelik | Raw Material Purchasing Specialist | Turkey |
Braemar plc | Global Head of Dry Research | United Kingdom |
Carmeuse Europe | Key account manager | Belgium |
CARMEUSE HOLDING SRL | Product Manager for Steel Aplication EMEA | Romania |
Casier Recycling N.V. | Commercial Director | Belgium |
Cometsambre | Direction Board | Belgium |
Cometsambre | Senior Export Manager | Belgium |
Danieli | Vice President, Key Account Management | Italy |
Danieli Centro Metallics | Vice President | Italy |
Diler Holding | Chief Sustainability Officer | Turkey |
Emballator | Purchasing Manager | Sweden |
Emirates Steel | Chief Commercial Officer | United Arab Emirates |
EUROMETAL | Director General | Luxembourg |
European Commission - DG TRADE | Policy Officer - Steel | Belgium |
EY | Partner | United Kingdom |
EY | Partner | United Kingdom |
EY | Partner | United Kingdom |
Feralpi Siderurgica | Engineer | Italy |
Flender GmbH | Global Head GreenSteel & Sustainability | Germany |
GMK Center | CEO | Ukraine |
GrafTech Switzerland S.A. | Director, Marketing & Market Intelligence | Switzerland |
Gunung Capital | Managing Partner | Indonesia |
Gunung Prisma | Director | Indonesia |
HJHansen Recycling Industry Ltd. | CEO | Denmark |
H.J. Hansen Recycling Industry Ltd.A/S | Director | Denmark |
Iconsys | Solutions Consultant | United Kingdom |
ING Bank | Head of Metals, Mining and Fertilizers | Germany |
Invica Industries | Commercial Manager | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Director | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | CEO | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Global Editor | Austria |
Kallanish | UK Editor and Journalist | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Sales support and Customer service executive | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Global Event Marketing Manager | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Sales Executive - Europe & North Africa | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Events Director | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Chairman | United Kingdom |
Kallanish | Director | United Kingdom |
Lhoist SA | Key Account Manager | Belgium |
Lhoist SA | New Business Development Specialist – STEEL Benelux | Belgium |
London School of Economics | Sustainable Finance Analyst | United Kingdom |
macroMETAL Handelsgesellschaft mbH | Managing Director | Germany |
Maghreb Steel | Director Steel Trading, Raw Materials Sourcing & Export | Morocco |
Maghreb Steel | CEO | Morocco |
Marichal Ketin | Director R&D | Belgium |
Marine Steel | Managing Partner | France |
Marine Steel | Director | France |
McKinsey & Co. | Senior Expert | Belgium |
McKinsey & Company | Partner | Belgium |
Metalshub GmbH | Co-Founder & Managing Director | Germany |
Midrex UK Ltd | Director | United Kingdom |
N.V. Bekaert S.A. | Sustainability responsible wire rod suppliers | Belgium |
Orchid Lily Consulting (OLC) | Managing Partner | Japan |
Oreinspect | Manager | Netherlands |
Port of Antwerp-Bruges | Key Account Manager - International Business | Belgium |
Port of Rotterdam | Business Manager Dry Bulk | Netherlands |
POSCO-Europe | Tech Researcher | Germany |
POSCO-Europe | Tech. Researcher | Germany |
POSCO-Europe | Tech. Researcher | Germany |
PRIMETALS TECHNOLOGIES AUSTRIA GMBH | CTO, Member of the Executive Management | Austria |
Ramboll | Market Director Green Energy Transition | Denmark |
Saferoad RRS GmbH | COO Saferoad Europe Division | Germany |
Sherwin Williams | R&D Technical Director | United Kingdom |
Sherwin Williams Company | Technical Manager R&D Coil | Italy |
SIPRO STEEL SOLUTIONS | Sustainability Manager | Switzerland |
SSAB Europe | Director Business Development | Spain |
Steelforce | Trader | Belgium |
Steelforce | Corporate Compliance Officer | Belgium |
SteelForce Far East Ltd. | Senior Trading Manager- SEA Sourcing | China |
Stegra | Key Account Manager | Sweden |
Stegra | Head of Project Finance | Sweden |
STOW | Purchase Director Raw Materials | Belgium |
Tata Steel Layde | Managing Director | Spain |
Tata Steel Limited | VP European Corporate Affairs | Netherlands |
Tata Steel Netherlands | Executive officer | Netherlands |
Tezcan Galvaniz | Commercial Director | Turkey |
thyssenkrupp Materials Services GmbH | Procurement Sustainability Expert | Germany |
ThyssenKrupp Materials Services GmbH | Head of Procurement | Germany |
ThyssenKrupp Materials Services GmbH | Head of Governance and Procurement | Germany |
Toyota Motor Europe | Senior Buyer | Belgium |
Toyota Tsusho Vietnam Co Ltd | Group Leader | Vietnam |
Transition Asia | Head of Research | Norway |
Turkish Steel Exporters Association (CIB) | General Secretary | Turkey |
Turkish Steel Exporters Association (CIB) | Manger of the Steel Exporters Association | Turkey |
Turkish Steel Exporters Association (CIB) | Economic Research Department Manager | Turkey |
Turkish Steel Exporters Association (CIB) | Deputy General Secretary | Turkey |
Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group | Procurement Manager Europe | Netherlands |
Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH | Vorsitzende der Geschäftsführung | Germany |
Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH | intern | Germany |
Westfälische Drahtindustrie GmbH | Germany | |
Weyland gmbh | CEO | Austria |
Wijngaard Natie | Commercial Director | Belgium |
Wijngaard Natie | CEO | Belgium |
Wijngaard Natie | Business Development Manager | Belgium |
World Steel | Secretary General | Belgium |
World Steel Association | Head of Environment and Climate Change | Belgium |
Truly global, user-friendly coverage of the steel and related markets and industry that delivers the essential information quickly while delivering on most occasions just the right amount of between-the-lines comment and interpretation for a near real time news service of this kind.
Very good overview of the weekly steel market.